Embody your true self

Faith: A Path to a Brighter Future

Faith is trust in unseen reality. If you maintain faith and persistence in your true self, even when things don't go as planned and you experience setbacks, you will eventually arrive at the truth. Even though a setback may seem disastrous, it is only temporary; it will change if you persevere. We must learn to trust the self, the superior intelligence within, just as an athlete trusts their body and enters a state of flow, where movement becomes effortless.

We often experience negative feelings when we don't feel safe being ourselves in a certain environment. As a result, we try to escape these feelings and return to familiar, comfortable situations. This involves escaping our true selves and reverting to our old selves. When we feel unsafe, we need to trust ourselves. Trust yourself, even in uncomfortable events and situations.

Faith makes you whole—not the outcome or any particular event you are waiting for. It's the revelation of your true self, and the recognition that you are already whole because everything exists now. It's the revelation of what already is; there is no separation between the inner and outer worlds. Your faith changes your beliefs, which in turn change your actions, aligning them more closely with the version of yourself you wish to reveal.

You don't need to improve yourself or seek ways to improve yourself; this is a low-level approach. Instead, maintain faith that the whole version of yourself will be revealed. Time is an illusion; everything exists now, and a whole and complete version of yourself already exists.

A concept of faith

This teaching is a concept, an intellectual understanding, and pointing to the way. Defining something is a mental process. However, you cannot use your mind to experience your true self. You can have faith that your true self will be revealed. This teaching only points you in the right direction and toward the object of your faith. You need to have faith in your true self. You cannot see it, and you have no proof of its existence, but you must have faith that it is there. This teaching shows you the direction, but you must walk the path yourself.