Self-concept (E-book)
How to change your self-concept and become your true self.
Below, you can begin reading this ebook by clicking the "start reading" button. This will take you to the beginning of the first chapter. The chapters are designed in logical order; It's recommended to start from the beginning of this ebook. You can also access individual articles at the bottom of this page. All text and study materials are for entertainment purposes only and cannot be used otherwise.

Individual posts
We walk our own unique paths because no single pattern suits everyone. The path itself is the destination. Trying to follow my path and my teachings will lead to failure. This truth liberates you, because there's nothing you need to...
The Pathless Path: Finding My Way
Everyone has to find their own unique individual path. There is no single path or a pattern that would work for everyone. It's a state of being beyond the dualities of the physical world, where the seeker transcends the limitations...
Acceptance of Our Self: Embracing Our Authentic Selves
Pursuit of happiness will leave us in a continuous cycle of striving for perfection. In this way, we will never feel enough. You are striving to achieve a goal solely for the feeling of safety it promises upon achievement. You...
Effortless Action
When we pursue our desires, we create a separation between subject and object. This happens because we perceive our goals as separate and attempt to achieve them through action. We identify with the "doer" and believe that action is necessary...