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"Be still and know that I AM God."

This phrase is useful for self-affirmation. We can break it down into three parts:
1. Be still: Stillness that we can cultivate through self-knowledge.
2. Know: Inner knowing that we are one with life, we develop through self-trust.
3. I AM God: Acceptance that we are conscious of our inner essence, we develop through self-acceptance.

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The Highway Manifesto:
Speaking and living the truth, in the best interests of everyone involved, and without violating anyone's free will. Acting according to our internal beliefs, but without excessive self-importance.


❝ You are what you experience because you cannot separate your subjective experience from objective reality.


❝ We accumulate many false beliefs and concepts that distract us from our true nature, creating a discord between our self-concept and our being.


❝ Free will, in a relative sense, can be seen as violated when we interfere with someone else's learning experience.


❝ Happiness can only be realized from within, regardless of external circumstances.


❝ You can't serve two masters. You can't become your new you while resisting your old self.


❝ Righteousness is the inner quality we need. Being virtuous and truthful to ourselves and others will reveal areas where we are not entirely honest and where we fall short.


❝ Phrases such as "love your neighbor as yourself" are not mere clichés. Virtue is love; righteousness is the quality we seek when we seek love.


❝ Being righteous brings fulfillment because this inner quality is divine. I AM that I AM.


❝ We are all divine beings, sharing this same inner essence. While you cannot see the interconnectedness of all things with your own eyes, it exists.


❝ From this, we know that God did not create laws that govern our universe because God's essence is the law itself.


❝ Striving to have everything our way is not necessarily God's way.


❝ We say God is love because that is his inner essence, which holds our world together.


❝ When God creates a character, his being, spirit, or inner essence is present.


❝ We know that consciousness is present within ourselves.


❝ You cannot truly know yourself through intellectual understanding alone; you must experience yourself from your unique perspective of "I AM". You cannot point to a thing or concept and say, "This is who I am".


❝ To assign meaning or a label is to define it with the intellect. Labeling something confines it to our relative world.


❝ Only the energy of your being expands to match the energy of your intention; nothing outside of yourself is affected.


❝ Our identity is a self-concept we identify as ourselves. It's our prior self-knowledge and everything we know about ourselves.


❝ Mental images or thoughts that we connect with cannot be found individually in our brains but are universally present in consciousness.


❝ When we give attention to a thought, this direction expands, and we subsequently experience a similar train of thought.


❝ The universal substance is what we might call the outer world. It encompasses everything of which you can be conscious in your experience.


❝ Consciousness is present in our experience; therefore, you can be conscious of yourself, things, people, events, and situations unfolding before you. You can also be conscious of the empty space between things.


❝ When we define or label this substance, it can only exist within our dual world of time and space. The universal substance exists in different forms and degrees of vibration as matter, energy, mind, or spirit.


❝ When undefined, it is God, from which all comes.


❝ Aether is a divine essence that helps hold everything together in our reality and, like the substance itself, can only exist within our dual world.


❝ The universal substance changes and evolves over time, giving rise to our perception of time and space as we observe this change in our world.


❝ When we are one with the outer world, we are in alignment with God, and everything flows effortlessly. This is also sometimes called the flow state.


❝ Consciousness provides us with a point of view through which we can see the outer world.


❝ When God created humankind, His essence, character, and being were placed within.


❝ What is the state of consciousness? It is the way we view, interpret, understand, and interact with everyone and everything around us.


❝ Reality, in a sense, requires a perspective, or in other words, a state of consciousness, to exist.


❝ Our progress is ultimately psychological because we already possess what we seek; we are simply unaware of our true nature.


❝ Your perspective provides a reference point through which you see your reality. This perspective is based on your self-perception and determines your experiences.


❝ All of these are constantly changing and evolving into different forms and vibrational modes.


❝ There are three layers to the universal substance and God: the physical (matter), the subtle (mind and energy), and the causal (God).


❝ While events appear to unfold in a linear order, there is no discernible connecting link between them, nor any inherent time difference. Events originate from the creative source of all.


❝ The Absolute, from which everything originates, exists outside of universal substance. It is nameless, without beginning or end, and infinite. The Absolute is the origin of all things, a darkness that is the source of all creation.


❝ Therefore, matter, mind, and energy are simply different manifestations of the same thing, varying only in their degree of vibration. This degree of vibration is dependent on our perception.


❝ The universal substance and God are in harmony, both possessing masculine and feminine qualities in our relative world.


❝ To align with God's will, you need to strengthen your inner will and remain centered within yourself.


❝ When something is lacking within us, we seek it outside ourselves, in others.


❝ You are looking for someone to complete you, to fill a missing piece.


❝ You are doing that, showing affection only to get something.


❝ God does not think; God knows.


❝ Whatever we perceive as external is not our true nature, and cannot be used to define who we truly are.


❝ The world we inhabit has a dual nature: a beginning and an end, time and space. The world of change also possesses this duality—the same inner essence, yet infinitely varied in degree.


❝ The light is not the endpoint; the goal is to transcend labels and the duality of light and darkness, perceiving them as a unified whole.


❝ Progress and change are only possible in a world where time is a factor. Removing time leaves only the eternal now—God's essence.


❝ The relative world is the world of change. It is merely a perception of our minds, a sequence of events without a connecting link or inherent time difference.


❝ Jesus said, "You cannot see my Father except through me." He wasn't talking about the character named Jesus, but about Christ consciousness, the highest perspective attainable. In this way, you are one with God.


❝ When you view the world from a higher perspective, you no longer identify with your ego and its states; instead, you experience your true self.


❝ This is the perfect embodiment of God. Be still and know that I AM God. "I AM" represents consciousness aware of its own essence.