Self-concept (E-book)
How to change your self-concept and become your true self.
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Posts tagged "self-acceptance"
Pursuit of happiness will leave us in a continuous cycle of striving for perfection. In this way, we will never feel enough. You are striving to achieve a goal solely for the feeling of safety it promises upon achievement. You...
Choose Self-acceptance: A Radical Act of Love
When we accept our hidden flaws and shortcomings, we no longer resist embodying our true selves. This involves releasing resistance stemming from past memories and associations with our old identity. We are essentially releasing all attachments and resistance to our...
Life lessons: Wisdom for Navigating The Journey
To move to the next density, we need to align with the vibration and energy of our higher selves, embodying our true nature. It's not about achieving specific events or goals. Extraordinary events like self-realization and kundalini awakening are helpful...