Embody your true self

Higher Perspective: A Broader View of Reality

The difference between the perspectives lies in the story we tell ourselves. When we embody our higher selves, we can see the true perspective.

Imagine feeling your natural inner confidence—a state where you don't need to prove your worth or wear a mask to protect a false identity. Inner confidence requires no effort; it is our natural, effortless state.

Inner confidence, or inner knowing, is a byproduct of the state we embody.

The true perspective

Our higher self's perspective begins with an external event and our imaginative perception of it. We then assign meaning to this event according to God's will and divine order. We use our imagination to shape this meaning; whatever we imagine, we also allow to unfold. Our reaction to external events intensifies our emotional charge. The meaning we ascribe to these events shapes our embodied state, which we then justify intellectually, because our internal beliefs align with our inner self, resulting in a unity of heart and mind—a unity within our being. The moment we realize "I AM That," we experience an inner knowing of alignment with God's will.

Every cycle and each night, our self-concept is transcended, connecting us to a vast database of consciousness. Our soul returns to our source each night when we fall asleep. This return happens cyclically for all beings. Our self-concept is thus stored within this vast database of consciousness.

Embodiment of Higher Self and His Qualities

Embodiment is aligning with a new identity, a sense of self. The secret lies in feeling natural. Your inner qualities must feel natural and you must identify with them, just as you identify with your face. You look in the mirror and see clearly: this is who you truly are.

When we purposefully and repeatedly embody a certain feeling and have faith in the revelation of our true self, we become conscious of that inner state. We become it.

Our self-concept changes because of our faith in the unknown. As we expand our state of consciousness and our perception of the world, our internal beliefs will change.

The embodiment is not about waiting for any particular event, nor is it about pretending that we already are our true selves. It is more about our internal attitudes that we often overlook. Cultivate stronger inner intention, unwavering faith, persistent perseverance, and unshakeable self-confidence.

Attitude is important. We must have conviction and resoluteness in our beliefs. We must be internally convinced of our path. A firm attitude and loyalty to the unseen are crucial for revealing our true selves.