Embody your true self

The Secret Language of the Mind

When we perceive something and assign meaning to it, we need perspective. Perception is creation, because we don't perceive our 3D world directly through our senses; rather, it's first evaluated by consciousness. We need to imagine the thing in order to perceive it. It must first be evaluated by our higher self. Initially, there's the perspective of the self that is one with the higher self.

As a character, we perceive different forms of vibrating energy—in other words, sensations—through our senses. This is a form of self-perception. Everything vibrates; nothing rests. Energy in motion is emotion. Everything we perceive with our senses changes its vibration from energy to matter; it's the same substance, varying only in its degree of vibration. We perceive an emotion, give it meaning (a word), and this thought then vibrates at a certain frequency. It is "mind in action," flowing through space. To set this in motion, we need a causal element—"spirit"—which governs our attitudes. Inner conviction—the "I AM" that—forms the basis of our self-concept. Information stored in our spirit is then reflected in the 3D world because we are aligned with it. We always perceive ourselves in relation to our external environment. So, when you drive a car, you perceive yourself as an experienced driver ("I AM an experienced driver") because this is your self-concept. Our self-concept acts like a mirror; we perceive people, events, and situations, recognizing ourselves within them. All events unfold in divine order, the flow of life. The higher self allows everything to unfold.

Sometimes we block events because we identify with our character and perceive with our senses. Everything we perceive changes its vibration from energy to matter. When we focus our attention on an object with our senses, we increase its importance, creating increased energy that blocks events from unfolding. This inner resistance stems from perceiving objects in relation to ourselves. To release this resistance, we need to imagine the event unfolding. Imagination is God. All things are possible with God. When you are one with God, you become a creator. You can become a creator in our reality, but your higher self must allow events to unfold through imagination. You cannot force into existence things that are not one with God. You become one with God by changing your perspective and no longer identifying with your character. Changing your perspective prevents you from blocking events in the 3D world. A sense of self-importance—our ego-mind—creates resistance in our 3D world. Your higher self created your character and who you are meant to be in this world. When you step into your character as intended, you are following divine will and fulfilling your true purpose.

The Tapestry of True Purpose

Our true nature is who we are, not what we do or strive to become. We don't need to do anything or strive to become someone to realize our true selves, because we already are that. It's more about shedding layers of false identity until we arrive at the realization: This is who we are. Our purpose in this reality is to be who we are, because when we embody our inner qualities, we become the creator, the higher aspect of ourselves.

Unlike other sentient beings on Earth, we are self-aware. Therefore, we strive to protect our sense of self, particularly our self-importance, by constantly striving to achieve something. It is unnatural to act inauthentically.

Trees shouldn't act like monkeys, and monkeys shouldn't act like trees. A tree's purpose is to be a tree; a monkey's purpose is to be a monkey, not an elephant. The monkey doesn't aspire to become an elephant. The monkey, the tree, and the elephant simply are themselves. This is because they are unaware of an individual identity that needs to compete for its place in the world. The problem is that we often act like monkeys wanting to become elephants. We do this because we're unhappy with our lives and our current circumstances.

It's unnatural to strive to be something we are not or to constantly protect our identity. We are not defined by our sense of self-importance. We need to let go of our wants, needs, problems, and desires, surrendering them to our higher self. This is how we embody the creator, how we embody our higher self. We cannot understand this from the perspective of the ego striving for self-improvement; instead, we must surrender our will to the divine source. By disidentifying with the ego, we can embody our true inner qualities and our authentic selves.

Our higher self communicates with us through symbols, dreams, signs, and synchronicities—in ways unique to each individual. Although countless guides and books address recognizing dreams and communicating with our higher selves, no single pattern works for everyone.

We have free will; we can bring our true selves into existence by following our path, embodying the unknown path of our higher self, which is never fully revealed in the present moment. By maintaining faith on that path and shedding layers of our false identity, the revelation of our true self is inevitable.

We need to create a story by living it, releasing past memories and future expectations. We cannot simply create a life plan and hope it unfolds as envisioned. Our true vision and purpose are revealed only when we let go of our false self. We must live and experience life in the present moment, embodying our authentic selves. In this way, we discover new inner convictions and shift our perspective to align with our true nature.

How can we realize new things about ourselves? By understanding how our inner convictions and the true nature of our being are formed and perceived. We need to understand our internal processes, introspecting on different aspects of ourselves and how they interact. We need to observe how these aspects work together to shape our perspective, without identifying with them.

In absolute terms, we are neither the character nor our self; we are all one. There is no perspective, and there is no self. God's essence simply is.

But in relative terms, we cannot deny our reality and must work with what we feel and experience as individual aspects of ourselves. Whatever you resist persists. Therefore, we cannot resist the reality we feel and perceive with our five senses. We must release our old perspective before establishing a new one. We can release it only by accepting the patterns of our old identity and seeing it truthfully for what it is.

We need to understand how our perception of the world works and how each aspect of ourselves contributes to the whole picture of our perceived reality. In short, we need to find unity within ourselves. This happens when our subconscious and conscious aspects work in unity; in other words, when my will and thy will are one.