Self-concept (E-book)
How to change your self-concept and become your true self.
Below, you can begin reading this ebook by clicking the "start reading" button. This will take you to the beginning of the first chapter. The chapters are designed in logical order; It's recommended to start from the beginning of this ebook. You can also access individual articles at the bottom of this page. All text and study materials are for entertainment purposes only and cannot be used otherwise.

Individual posts
The opposite of knowledge is knowing, which arises from your being. It's the core of who you are, emerging naturally from your center without conscious thought. It is our instinctual self, our ability to discern right from wrong. This is...
Beyond Perspective
Our state of consciousness provides a unique point of view or perspective through which we see the world. Prior self-knowledge—derived from past experiences, memories, and associated feelings—shapes our perception. Everyone's perception is unique, and everyone possesses their own subjective truth....
To understand the creative process behind this book, you need to see the whole picture. It was written in cycles, non-linearly, and without a plan. It's like building a house without blueprints. You begin construction without knowing the final result,...