There is no material or tangible progress; progress is solely psychological, based on one's perspective and evolving state of consciousness. Consciousness, the universal aspect of ourselves, controls all conscious and subconscious processes. We need to integrate the different aspects of our selves to become a whole and complete, individualized self in terms of consciousness.
A hypothetical evolutionary process, to which no one is an exception, must be undergone. Densities represent various levels of development, while dimensions offer different perspectives and states of consciousness on our reality.
We possess diverse aspects, with various layers and dimensions of mental, energetic, material, and spiritual existence, enabling us to function in both inner and outer worlds. We must realize that these inner and outer worlds function as one complete whole. We must consider the perspective of each aspect of ourselves to achieve integration and become a unified consciousness.
In our current density, we are not a single entity but a combination of various aspects, some originating from other densities, all serving the third density.
We need to fully express ourselves in our third dimensional space. Self-expression is not merely fulfilling our character's dreams and desires; it is expressing our true selves—how we function and interact within our lives and our 3D space. When you know yourself as self, it is no longer "I" that lives. Our three-dimensional world is designed in a way that makes self-expression of our true self unclear. We are unaware of our true nature, conscious of things, people, and situations in our 3D world, but unable to see their source. We see material things and our bodies, believing this is all we are and all that exists. We are unaware of our inner world. However, there is more to our three-dimensional reality. Our self expresses in the outer world through light; this light shines on the universal substance, allowing us to see ourselves clearly. Our self-concept is reflected by our self in the people, events, and situations. These events can be positive or negative, depending on our inner self. Our higher self contains all information about ourselves; this information isn't stored locally but originates from a universal database of higher selves. When we act against our divine nature, that information is transmitted to our higher self.
We no longer have to be victims of unfolding circumstances. When we become conscious of ourselves, we can fully express ourselves and become creators.
To understand this clearly, it's more an expression of our state, a self-expression of our being. It's not about achieving any particular outcome in the 3D world. Our self manifests our higher self, which in turn influences our character. What matters less is what happens in 3D reality. We can't see it clearly because, as multidimensional beings, we lack a complete understanding of what lies beyond our senses. It's not something we do; it's about our purpose. We manifest our higher self through our being.
Our higher self influences our character, which embodies a state. This state is what we perceive as real. Our being is feeling these states, creating our self-knowledge. When we embody a state, it's influenced by our prior self-knowledge and state of consciousness. Our state of consciousness is our perception of the world; it's our higher self perceiving the outer world through our imagination. Our imagination gives meaning, allowing the outer world to unfold.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
We must give meaning to our reality before we perceive it. Once we have meaning, we gain a perspective of our higher self. This higher self manifests because we create a perspective. Our higher self governs our imagination, allowing reality to unfold because it's mentally created.
Being and non-being produce each other. Being and higher self give rise to each other.
Our self is influenced by our higher self, and our self, in turn, manifests our higher self. Different beings influence and depend on each other.
Our character exists to create our being, but unfortunately, it's often unaware of its true nature; therefore, the self reflects our state in the outer world.
We manifest God with our being.
"As with a dirty window, the light can’t shine through."
We carry the weight of past hurts—things we've done and things done to us. These traumatic events are deeply ingrained in our nature. We often wonder, "Why is this happening to me? What have I done to deserve it?" The light reflects these events in the outer world so they can be released from our consciousness.
The evolution of our consciousness is the process of revealing our true self. As we progress, our self is initially contained within us. Then, it receives our full attention as we realize we are that self. We are our selves, and the rest of the world is merely an extension of our selves. Our mind and body are projected into reality as expressions of our selves. Do the characters inhabiting this reality, with their wants, needs, and desires, truly matter, or only our own selves? When we accept our selves as self, we can fully express who we truly are.
This progression from character to self doesn't happen linearly; we won't see a tangible change. We are not moving through space or time, because everything happens simultaneously. We can visualize densities and different states of consciousness as dimensions in space, all coexisting. We are multidimensional entities; therefore, we are not limited to only the third density as humans.
We are always a composite of three beings: personality (or character), higher self, and spirit, each with distinct functions.
As the character with a physical body in our 3D reality, we can connect with and embody each aspect of ourselves. Unfortunately there is not much that we can do in our 3D world. The character is primarily serving self.
Higher self
Higher selves are manifestations in the sixth and a half dimension. They have the ability to give us perspective that we can embody. Higher selves influence our perception of reality. Even though they are manifested, they represent individual self.
These are characteristics of a 6.5-density being with a spiritual body.
State of Consciousness: The ability to effortlessly focus our attention on our being represents our conscious awareness.
God's Essence: Helping to hold everything together in our reality, it represents the inner qualities we embody.
Inner Will: The ability to direct our attention without force; it resides behind our discernment and intellectual comprehension.
Spiritual Self
Our spiritual self is influenced by our character. Spiritual self is in charge of all our bodily functions, and our guidance and intuition. Spiritual self is connected to our higher self as one being. It is the way to connect our character with our higher self. Our higher self is in charge of our spiritual self.
These are characteristics of a 3rd-density being with a spiritual body.
Energy: Connects us to our creative energy, the animating principle behind the creation of our self-concept and sexual energy.
Soul: The ability to trust the unknown; it resides in our heart. While the soul doesn't possess free will, it learns through direct experience. To integrate and realize the soul's experience, we must adopt that perspective. Through the experience of our soul, we learn to trust life.
Instinctual Self: Embodies our intuition—the ability to know something directly without overthinking.
Gut: Manages bodily functions, the nervous system, and processes to keep us healthy and alive.
Connecting to Our Gut
When people seek fulfillment, they often look for it externally, such as through food. Feelings of unfulfillment and hunger may stem from a lack of self-connection. People often say, "Follow your gut," or "Trust your intuition." The saying, "Love goes through your stomach," isn't far from the truth; gut health is intimately connected to overall well-being. When you learn to love yourself, you'll understand this connection. We often eat unhealthy food in large quantities without considering our inner selves. When digesting food, try to focus on your inner self and cultivate that perspective. The health of your gut is directly linked to the risk of future diseases. A gut feeling often signals when something is wrong. Our feelings are connected to our minds. We may feel unhealthy after intentionally eating unhealthy food. There may be a discord between our minds and our hearts; our minds may tell us something is unhealthy, while our hearts express this through feelings.
The connection to our inner selves gives us fulfillment.
Through connection to our spiritual existence, we often recognize our purpose in this 3D reality. The purpose of third density is to embody the qualities of our higher selves and live accordingly. It's not something we do, but rather our state of being. When we let go of control and stop trying to aid the realization of our true self, we find inner peace.