Evolution and involution are two intertwined concepts significant in various aspects of life. Evolution is the process of gradual development or change over time, leading to the creation of something new or more complex. It is a process of individuation, where consciousness becomes the individualized self. This corresponds to the evolution of consciousness through seven densities. Evolution, or any change, can occur only in the relative world, where time is involved and change is perceived over time in the external world.
In contrast, involution refers to the process of turning or folding inward, involving introspection, reflection, and a deepening of understanding. This process can be described as lowering one's vibration to its lowest possible form. The individualized spiritual self turns inward to become one with the creator in the seventh density. The spiritual self is one with God.
Densities & dimensions: The Fabric of Reality
To expand consciousness, individuals progress through seven densities, representing levels of consciousness, wisdom, and experience. Each density corresponds to a dimension, reflecting a shift in perspective. Changing perspective doesn't involve moving to a different location or planet; we remain present in our 3D reality. When we transcend space and time, we exist only in the eternal now, becoming God's essence. God, existing beyond time and space, has no perspective; God simply is. Similarly, we must transcend time and space, progress, and development to embody our true nature. We must move beyond our dualistic nature to achieve oneness, a state of unity within ourselves
To ascend to a higher level, or graduate from one density to another, you must be polarized to an energy and vibrational frequency that corresponds to that density. Each density presents a distinct lesson to be learned. Progress from one density to the next is not linear and rarely proceeds directly from one to the next higher density. By examining the seven energy centers in our bodies, each aligned with a specific density, we can determine the lessons intended for us.