Before the first density begins, there is a preparatory stage for the expansion of consciousness. This process involves lowering one's vibration until a very low level of vibratory energy is reached, at which point the densest possible form of matter manifests. This is represented by the four basic elements of nature: air, water, fire, and earth. A fifth element, "aether," a spiritual element that holds everything together, must also be considered. We cannot transcend our source; thus, we must lower ourselves to explore, experience, and grow.
Each basic element represents a different aspect of the self that we must embody to become a whole individual. Earth, a feminine aspect, represents grounding, nurturing, and Mother Nature. Water, another feminine aspect, represents surrender and fluidity, and the ability to adapt to circumstances. Air, a masculine aspect, represents intellect, thought, and the ability to create a vision for one's life. Fire, another masculine aspect, represents energy, purpose, and taking charge of one's life. We possess both feminine and masculine energies. Balancing these energies and recognizing their unity is crucial.
From this point, the evolution of consciousness can begin.
The Dawn of Awareness: The Evolution of Consciousness
The evolution of consciousness begins in the first density, characterized by the four elements of nature. This first density, representing the earth element, focuses on grounding, security, and stability. The key lesson here is self-knowledge: understanding our true selves allows us to release our need for external security. We are the unchanging spiritual element of aether, not the four elements of nature with which we identify. We are the self hidden within. This marks the beginning of consciousness's evolution—the birth of a new soul that learns through experience but cannot yet influence it.
This nascent soul then evolves into the second density, represented by water and encompassing sentient plants and animals driven by basic survival and reproductive instincts. We experience fundamental needs for food, shelter, water, and reproduction. The key lesson is self-trust: trusting ourselves allows us to relinquish control. We struggle for survival, believing we must exert control, but in reality, our soul's actions are beyond our direct control. By learning to trust and surrender to life, we enter a state of flow where everything unfolds effortlessly, reflecting our inner essence existing as one with all.
The third density focuses on the individual sense of self, where consciousness becomes aware of itself. The evolution of consciousness continues into higher densities, currently unknown to us, but we can infer their lessons and meaning by examining our energy centers, each corresponding to a density. In the seventh density, consciousness, having individually evolved, reconnects to the ultimate self, allowing us to experience the oneness of all.
The New Way of Being: Unleash Your True Potential
The individual aspect of consciousness—your higher self—created your character and the inner qualities of your being. This creation used no outside materials, nor did it reproduce itself; yet its spirit pervades the creation. It's only a different aspect of yourself and a different perspective that you hold to be true.
Another aspect of ourselves that we are unaware of is our soul, which learns only through our experiences in this 3D world. We've mentioned how we can influence our experiences and what influences our perception and perspective of ourselves. We know we have our own inner will, by which we can direct our attention, but truthfully, it's not our will, but that of a divine source and our higher selves.
Truthfully, our soul cannot directly influence our experiences. It's better to recognize this perspective: our indwelling soul resides in our heart. Paradoxically, by accepting this perspective of zero control over our experiences, we become more compassionate toward ourselves. The lesson is one of love. We often blame ourselves for our actions or are angry about what others have done to us, but by accepting the perspective of our soul, we can let go of control, freeing ourselves in the moment of realization. We need to embody, experience, and realize our soul from within by giving ourselves love, compassion, and understanding. This is true self-love, not eating ice cream, shopping, or taking a vacation in Thailand.
We might know the process of integrating different aspects of ourselves as "shadow work." We all have a shadow self—the part of ourselves we hide from the world. What you hide in darkness must be brought to light.
The goal is to become a whole individual who doesn't seek the acceptance of others. The more a person realizes the existence of the indwelling soul within their being, the higher they will rise on the spiritual scale of life. This is what spiritual development means—the recognition, realization, and manifestation of the self within us. Remember this definition of spiritual development.
A spiritual connection with our soul also fosters our development—the recognition, realization, and revelation of our true selves. When we recognize our soul from within and are truly compassionate and understanding toward this aspect of ourselves, our soul no longer resists what we fear.
The Fourth Density Being: A Realm of Higher Existence
We become truer to ourselves and achieve our true selves when we recognize and integrate all aspects of ourselves, becoming a whole and complete self—an individualized consciousness. This is what development and ascension within consciousness mean: recognizing distinct lessons in each density and integrating different aspects of self. Successfully integrating these aspects requires establishing a new way of being. We must relinquish the need to prove our worth to the world and adopt a higher perspective.
To integrate fourth-density being, we need to implement aspects of life not traditionally valued in our society.
Spiritual Guidance
Listen to our intuition and inner guidance, which navigates unseen realities; follow hunches and inspirations.
Divine Purpose
Align with our true selves and the divine purpose—the flow of life.
Cultivate complete faith, trust, and perseverance in unseen realities.
Our purpose is to embody a new way of being, vibrating in alignment with our true selves and the divine order, the flow of life. This isn't something we do as a character; rather, we move in alignment with our purpose. It's a state of being we must embody. We are here to be unique; therefore, we embody inner qualities of our higher selves. These inner qualities are our true selves—who we are and who we are meant to be; they are our purpose. When we embody our inner essence and this new way of being, we progress to a higher density.