We perceive the three-dimensional world—life itself—through the lens of our self-concept. This can distort our perception by creating a sense of separation, a separate self-consciousness.
Life manifests in our physical reality as people, events, and circumstances. We need to be aligned with life but less attached to it. Wanting, wishing, and hoping for specific outcomes creates these attachments. We can become attached to people, things, and events, perceiving a duality between subject and object, between ourselves and life. We need to become one with life, one with the divine. We need to experience oneness, where there is no distance between ourselves and life.
To be aligned with life, we must mirror its attitude, constantly adjusting to unfolding circumstances. This means living in the present moment, responding to life's events. Events unfold in cycles and repeating patterns until we learn the lessons they offer.
We need to be in the same vibrational alignment and state of consciousness as others. We need to perceive others as we perceive ourselves. If we feel separate from others—like an enemy—how can we achieve the perspective of self? We need to lift ourselves toward that perspective of self, so that perceived separation transforms into oneness.
We are always seeking an aspect of ourselves that is missing. We want, wish, and hope to obtain something in our lives, to become that missing piece, that which we seek.
Everything we need will run away from us if we are not one with it, because we perceive ourselves as unworthy and inferior to others, lacking something. Don't seek a life partner; become a life partner. Life is a dance, not a conquest. Treat life as a dancing partner, not an enemy or a possession. When dancing with someone, you are in a state of flow, where everything moves effortlessly. You respond naturally to unfolding situations in the present moment. You are fully present, consciously surrendering to the divine order of things.
Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
You must become that which already possesses everything you desire. This isn't achieved by pretending to be perfect, but by embodying life.
If you perceive yourself as a world-renowned thinker, a great leader, or an exquisite meditator—simply better than others—then separation exists between you and them. You believe you can be an example, changing their identities for the better. However, they may see you as a threat to their identities, creating resistance to your influence.
You want to be the change, perfect and always right, but that also means being out of alignment with life. You resist the poor, thieves, and liars in the world, thinking you can do better. You are only resisting the parts of life you dislike. Life encompasses both saints and sinners; we need to go beyond labels and see them as one.
Your progress and any hypothetical change in consciousness must happen naturally. If you perceive your identity as superior to others, it's the basis for perfectionism, arrogance, and pride. You are stepping into your ego. You see the outside world, full of crime, hate, and despair, and perceive it as separate from yourself. It is actually you, your hidden part, projected outward. Mirror what you see outside as if it were you. In this way, you can integrate this hidden aspect of yourself. It is your shadow self that wants to be seen by your consciousness. Whatever we resist in the world is a part of us, a part of life that unfolds in cycles until we integrate it.
Always adjust to life, adopting life's attitude, because life is simply your self. Become one with life, more involved but less attached. In this way, you can let go of a separate self-consciousness and be more in alignment with your true self.