At some point in your journey, you need to stop accumulating knowledge, striving for complete understanding, and constantly seeking self-improvement. Our progress and development is only psychological. You can’t improve your self because you already are whole.
You have an emerging need to know; striving for perfection. But you won't find that last missing piece of information, because fulfillment isn't found in the future; it's found in the present. It's not about who we desire to be, but who we are now. If you always desire something, a separation exists between you and your desire. You will never arrive if you never stop striving and seeking more.
Your worth isn't rooted in your accomplishments. You constantly strive to be perceived as worthy by others. You keep yourself busy to find contentment and peace, believing that inactivity means you are flawed. For once, try finding activity in inactivity; pause for a moment. Once you rediscover your inner strength, you can carry on.
In this way, actions often happen automatically in response to circumstances; they don't require forced effort.
It is low-way actions that stem from a need for control; we take action toward the problem, attempting to control the situation. We force things into existence with low-way actions. High-way actions, however, are based on our internal truths; we act in alignment with our inner convictions.
What You Want and Believe: Understanding Your Core Values
To graduate from third density, you must align with your beliefs and polarize your vibration. Essentially, you must live according to your internal truth, values, and convictions. Six groups of people within the system fail to do this, preventing their graduation to fourth density. To progress toward your true self and live authentically, you must transcend the system's influence.
People often attempt to control situations out of fear that they lack alternatives or that outcomes will deviate from their plans. This manifests as acting in a less-than-ideal manner. Transcending the system doesn't mean living as a hermit in the Himalayas; it doesn't require running away from yourself. You can coexist with others but without seeking their approval.
By taking low-way actions, we often prepare for unwanted outcomes, trying to prevent future worries, fears, or denials of our experiences. This leads us into the states of our ego mind.
By taking only high-way actions based on our true selves, we are not reacting to or trying to control our experiences. We simply do what we want and believe, trusting that the best possible outcome will manifest. The problem is often our reaction to unfolding events, things, people, and situations; therefore, to act in the high-way, we need to maintain a non-reactive state of mind.
We don't need to strive for self-improvement or liberation, as this is a low-way action stemming from a feeling of separation from the source. Nothing can rise higher than its source. Shift your perspective to align more closely with your higher self and its inherent qualities. We maintain faith that our true selves will be revealed. Time is an illusion; everything exists now, your true self already exists. We don't pretend to be perfect, but we only take high-way actions aligned with our true selves and our internal beliefs.