When you know your true self, you can completely let go of any attachments to outcomes. Knowing your true self is revealed only through introspection into different aspects of yourself and recognizing your true nature.
Recognize a higher aspect of yourself hidden within; recognize your essence, spirit, and true self. Think of yourself as the cause of everything: the act and actor, cause and effect, idea and manifestation, alpha and omega, inside and outside as one complete whole. See the idea and object as one, and your word as an accomplished fact; then you will demonstrate this truth.
Accept your higher self—the "creator"—the version of you already aligned with your true, "created" self and its inherent qualities. Accept the wholeness that is already yours.
The first step to becoming your true self is cultivating peace of mind through self-reflection. Reflect on your thoughts and mental images. What are these thoughts telling you? Are they past memories or future attachments and expectations? Engage in regular introspection through journaling, meditation, or quiet contemplation. Contemplate your reality, noticing any changes. We introspect our mental state because the outer world reflects our state of consciousness.
Mental images perceived as thoughts are based on past memories. Our higher self influences these images, highlighting past failures and attempting to release attachments to outcomes. Past failures often stem from judging others. We judge others because we haven't forgiven them for some wrongdoing or past event, blaming them for our failures.
To cultivate peace of mind, and release all past connections to others. Recognition is the first of three steps toward becoming your true self.
3 steps to becoming our true self
1. Peace of mind: Self-knowledge - I think I AM that (mind - thoughts)
You need to recognize who you are in truth.
2. Inner knowing: Self-trust - I feel I AM that (heart - feelings)
You need to realize who you are in truth.
3. Self-acceptance - I AM that (body - attitudes)
You need to reveal who you are in truth.
One State of Mind: Cultivating Inner Peace
We are all connected on a deeper level. There is only one will, one power, one state of mind. Anything intended to hurt me or others is merely a distorted perception of our ego-mind, a state we have adopted. We need to integrate all aspects of ourselves from within to become whole and complete. It’s all about the revelation of our true being.
You are both the cause and the effect, the creator and the created. There is no separation. When you recognize and realize that the inner and outer worlds are one complete whole, you will demonstrate the truth about yourself, not intellectually, but through direct experience.
Mastering Our Thoughts
Our thoughts are merely borrowed from the great database of consciousness. To master our thoughts, we must realize that we are not responsible for them. We must stop identifying with them as if they were our own. We should observe our thoughts as they come and go without reacting.
Imagine watching a highway full of cars driving by. As you watch, you don’t identify them as your cars. You are not responsible for these cars; they are simply passing by. Observe the cars, don't resist them, and see them clearly for what they are.