The problem is our ego, which often stands in our way. We also hold onto past beliefs and associations about ourselves, clinging to them because familiarity feels comfortable.
Therefore, the first step is to disidentify with our ego, body, and past conditioning. We must also let go of our problems, wants, needs, desires, and expectations about the future.
When we are free from attachments to things, people, and events, we can live and move freely, without expectations. Approach life with an open mind, cultivating a childlike curiosity—the eagerness of a child encountering a playground for the first time, full of wonder and expectation.
Projections and expectations: The Lens Through Which We See The World
When we project ourselves outwardly, before becoming fully integrated individuals, we constantly look outside ourselves, expecting something and striving for a particular outcome. This projects a need for achievement onto others, leading to attachments to people, things, events, and situations. A perceived separation between the self and others, between subject and object, results in a state of disconnection.
Sin is simply a denial of the divine. Just as one cannot deny the divine within oneself, one cannot deny it in others. The divine is present in every subject and object, in every form. When we perceive separation between subject and object, we are unconscious of our true selves.