Self-concept (E-book)
How to change your self-concept and become your true self.
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Individual posts
Posts tagged "attachments"
You may have attachments to others, but this is merely a belief in separation—a perceived separation between yourself and others. Separation that we perceive in our dual nature is only an illusion. Character and our inner self are not separate...
Paradox of Dual Nature
Our world has a dual nature: time and space. When we cling to things, people, events, and situations, we create an energetic imbalance. Any imbalance tends to be countered by an opposing force. For every up, there is an equally...
Ego vs. True Self: The Masks We Wear
The problem is our ego, which often stands in our way. We also hold onto past beliefs and associations about ourselves, clinging to them because familiarity feels comfortable. Therefore, the first step is to disidentify with our ego, body, and...