Self-concept (E-book)
How to change your self-concept and become your true self.
Below, you can begin reading this ebook by clicking the "start reading" button. This will take you to the beginning of the first chapter. The chapters are designed in logical order; It's recommended to start from the beginning of this ebook. You can also access individual articles at the bottom of this page. All text and study materials are for entertainment purposes only and cannot be used otherwise.

Individual posts
When you're outside the system, you no longer have to fight, seek others' approval, or compare yourself to them. You are finally free because no one from the system can hurt you if you don't play by their rules. Being...
Outer and Inner Self-importance: Balancing Confidence and Humility
Importance arises when something is given excessive significance. External importance refers to the excessive significance attributed to a person, object, or event. With objects, this manifests as an excessive desire to possess them and achieve related goals. Regarding events, it...
A Road Map for Revolution
To be aligned with our true self, we need to follow the highway manifesto which is the same for everyone. By following the highway manifesto, we can realize our inner convictions, values and who we are in truth. When we...
Become One With Life
We perceive the three-dimensional world—life itself—through the lens of our self-concept. This can distort our perception by creating a sense of separation, a separate self-consciousness. Life manifests in our physical reality as people, events, and circumstances. We need to be...