Self-concept (E-book)
How to change your self-concept and become your true self.
Below, you can begin reading this ebook by clicking the "start reading" button. This will take you to the beginning of the first chapter. The chapters are designed in logical order; It's recommended to start from the beginning of this ebook. You can also access individual articles at the bottom of this page. All text and study materials are for entertainment purposes only and cannot be used otherwise.

Individual posts
We can identify six groups of people within the system who have become entangled in their ego, preventing them from living as their truest selves. By examining each group, you might recognize yourself, as we are often unaware of our...
Intellectual Knowledge and Striving: The Balance Between Theory and Practice
At some point in your journey, you need to stop accumulating knowledge, striving for complete understanding, and constantly seeking self-improvement. Our progress and development is only psychological. You can’t improve your self because you already are whole. You have an...
Our Old Self and Cultural Beliefs: The Search for Authenticity
Identity is a concept we identify with as ourselves. It's based on our past experiences, beliefs, and learned behaviors. Our identity resides within what we consider our "safety boundaries"—our familiar and comfortable sense of self. When we, or others in...
Authority Figures: The Burden of Power
Authority figures are individuals who hold positions of power or control within a system. They are often recognized for their expertise, influence, or ability to enforce rules and regulations. Understanding them is essential, as they can significantly shape societal norms...