Self-concept (E-book)
How to change your self-concept and become your true self.
Below, you can begin reading this ebook by clicking the "start reading" button. This will take you to the beginning of the first chapter. The chapters are designed in logical order; It's recommended to start from the beginning of this ebook. You can also access individual articles at the bottom of this page. All text and study materials are for entertainment purposes only and cannot be used otherwise.

Individual posts
When you know your true self, you can completely let go of any attachments to outcomes. Knowing your true self is revealed only through introspection into different aspects of yourself and recognizing your true nature. Recognize a higher aspect of...
Speak Your Truth into Existence: Creating Your Own Narrative
By speaking and living truthfully, in the best interest of everyone involved, you reveal all resistance in your way. Once we reveal our limiting beliefs, we can release them. We know we have internal resistance to becoming a millionaire. In...
Choose Self-acceptance: A Radical Act of Love
When we accept our hidden flaws and shortcomings, we no longer resist embodying our true selves. This involves releasing resistance stemming from past memories and associations with our old identity. We are essentially releasing all attachments and resistance to our...
Aloneness to Oneness: Exploring The Path to Wholeness
Aloneness is inner aloneness; it doesn't mean one is physically alone or separate. It means existing without ego, without one's past identity. Ego cannot exist in aloneness; it requires wants, needs, and desires to fulfill. Our sense of self-importance seeks...